We are back online, after a trip to Utah and an internet glitch. And I have a ton of pictures. Tsagaan Sar is the Mongolian New Year. Alex affectionately called it "Mongolian Christmas." Our driver and friend Erka invited us to celebrate the holiday with his family. unfortunately I was sick so I couldn't go. But, Alex and Patrick went and took lots of pictures. Alex and Patrick wore the del... the Mongolian costume to the meal. We are thinking of Alex being Chinggis Khaan for Halloween this year.

This is the traditional dish used at the table. It is boiled sheep, seasoned with... sheep fat. The idea is to boil the entire sheep without cutting it up. Then when it is on the table you can take long slices of it.

Also on the table they stack yummy flattened breads... they taste a bit like a really dense donut. The higher your bread tower the older you are... which makes you really cool and popular here. On top of your bread tower you put treats for everyone to enjoy: sugar cubes, yogurt-y cookies, and sweet Mongolian cheeses.
Alex wasn't a fan of the cheese. If I can figure out why this video won't upload... I will put it here.

Stirring the milk tea. Sometimes they have actual tea in it. But the two time I have had it... it has just consisted of scalding hot milk and water.

These are buz (pronounce the u like oo is in the word book) Every table has them. They were our favorite dish. They are mutton filled steamed dumplings. And we loved them. People who have many visitors for Tsagaan Sar can make as many as 1000 dumplings in preparation for all their guests.

In a land with no fences and no roads... I have no idea how they found their way. The experience gives new meaning to "Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go!"

They rode Mongolian style with 11 people in a Toyota Landcruiser.
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