I was born in Allentown PA. We drove through there during our trip to the East. Living there was a pretty miserable experience and I have often been told that the only two redeeming things about Allentown were that 1. I was born there and 2. that is where my mom met her friend... Aunt Lonnie. (Lonnie doesn't live there anymore either.) I have to say, now a days it wouldn't be so bad to live there they have both a Sephora and a Friendly's. So on days when you felt down you could always buy make up and eat more ice cream. I think my mom was seriously offended when she realized that Allentown got a Sephora before Salt Lake City did.

This is the house that my parents brought me to when I came home from the hospital 28 years ago. (Almost exactly... my birthday is in a few days!) It was kind of weird to think that my parents were our age (Patrick and me) when they built this house, and it was their second house! I guess it made me realize that my parents were so much more grown up than we are.

Thanks Mom and Dad for giving Allentown a try. I love Lonnie, and it helped you to be sympathetic to me when I lived in another common wealth and had to deal with weird government... Massachusetts.
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