Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Too much Catching up to do

So, here are a bunch of slide shows to catch you up.

August... so far

July's Slide Show

June's Slide show... ok so I haven't created it yet

May's Slide Show... Many more pictures to come!

April's Slides


Unknown said...

Sweet lake powell abs tunie! Love the pics of the boys in NYC. I'll have to steal some of those......

Alisa and Crowells said...

Hooray for slide shows! You've got some great pics--I love that one of the mountain silhouette with the rain clouds above it.
PS--how did you get your pics?

Brooke Jarrett said...

I was so excited to see an update from the Barnes family. We miss you all and think of you often! We hope things are going well for you in your new home!


Brooke and Chris